Protein or peptide name:Circ-ZNF609
Protein or peptide start site:NA
Protein or peptide end site:NA
ncRNA start site:65794621
ncRNA end site:65795495
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide sequence:NA
Protein or peptide length:251aa
ncRNA type:circRNA
ncRNA name:Circ-ZNF609
Entrez ID:NA
Experimental species:Mus musculus
Experimental techniques:Northern blot/Western blotting/RT-PCR
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):Mouse myoblasts C2C12
Description:Circ-ZNF609 contains an open reading frame spanning from the start codon, in common with the linear transcript, and terminating at an in-frame STOP codon, created upon circularization. Circ-ZNF609 is associated with heavy polysomes, and it is translated into a protein in a splicing-dependent and cap-independent manner, providing an example of a protein-coding circRNA in eukaryotes.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:circ-ZNF609 resulted in specifically controlling myoblast proliferation.
Title of paper:Circ-ZNF609 Is a Circular RNA that Can Be Translated and Functions in Myogenesis.
Year of publication:2017